Metallica's 'Hardwired for Self Destruction' album lyrics along with 'Hardwired' the song!



Reload Album Lyrics Metallica

Metallica's Reload Lyrics

ReLoad is the seventh album by American heavy metal band Metallica. It was released in 1997. It is the direct companion / counterpart to Metallica's 1996 album,
Load. Over 3 million copies have been sold in the US as certified by the RIAA.

metallica lyrics reload load

In addition to heavy grooves like "Fuel" and "Devil's Dance," ReLoad continues the experimentation seen on Load, with the use of violin and hurdy gurdy on "Low Man's Lyric" and Marianne Faithfull's haunting lyric on "The Memory Remains." It also bears a sequel of sorts in "The Unforgiven II," referencing a single from 1991's Metallica playing on the original's lyrical theme.

The cover of the album is original artwork depicting urine and blood. It is one of three photographic studies by Andres Serrano created in 1990 by mingling the artist's own urine and bovine blood between two sheets of Plexiglas. As with Load, ReLoad included a booklet containing band photos and select lyrics for each song.

The following links will take you to the lyrics of each song from Reload.

The Memory Remains
Devil's Dance
The Unforgiven II
Better Than You
Carpe Diem Baby
Bad Seed
Where The Wild Things Are
Prince Charming
Low Man's Lyric

Here's the video for The Unforgiven II from Reload